Sunday, 26 September 2010

DK General Store

Sorry for the lack of postage folks. I've been busy working on stuff for the shop and generally trying to get myself organised, as pledged. I had hoped that I would be posting more regularly but I am trying to spend less time on the computer, where I am distracted by pretty things and end up wasting many an hour that would otherwise be well spent doing other stuff.

Anyway, today I have allowed myself to be distracted so here I am. No real new news from me but I did find this amazing shop recently, DK General Store, on Etsy that sells all sorts of beautiful old stuff. I love old stuff so I'm having a hard time resisting but the fact that the postage from them in the USA to us in the UK is costly is both a good and a bad thing.

Some of my favourites:

Makes me hanker for the next car boot.

Off to see what other beauties catch my eye now. x

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